
longyuan power edits 5 industry standards approved and published by the national energy administration-爱游戏(ayx)中国官方网站

author:    source: communication company   time: 2024-02-06   font:【 】

recently, 5 industry standards, including the "health status assessment regulations for overdue service wind turbine units" (nb/t 11360-2023) edited by longyuan power engineering technology company of china energy, were approved and released by the national energy administration and will officially take effect from june 28, 2024.

maintenance personnel maintaining wind measurement equipment.

the company has always regarded strengthening technological innovation as its most urgent task, continuously enhancing the role of enterprise in technological innovation, and increasing its participation in the formulation of industry standards. among the 5 industry standards approved and published this time, the "health status assessment regulations for overdue service wind turbine units" specifies for the first time the basic provisions, assessment methods, and evaluation results of health status assessment for overdue service wind turbine units and related accessories; the "on-site test regulations for wind turbine generator set safety protection systems" standardizes the test conditions and methods for on-site testing of safety protection systems for wind turbine generator sets for the first time; the "operating and maintenance specification for wind turbine generator set backup power supply" specifies the technical requirements for the operation and maintenance of backup power supply for wind turbine generator sets; the "safety management technical specifications for climbing-free devices of wind turbine generator sets" and "safety management technical specifications for elevators of wind turbine generator sets" standardize the overall requirements for climbing-free devices and elevators of wind turbine generator sets, as well as the safety management of operation speed, installation testing, operation, maintenance, and inspection, filling the gap in related domestic standards.

the release and implementation of this batch of standards further improve the technical standard system in china's wind power field, providing strong guarantee for the stable and reliable operation of wind turbine units throughout their lifecycle, and assisting wind power enterprises in enhancing the standardization level of safety management and equipment management.
