
new year, new vision – china energy’s friendship on “belt and road”-爱游戏(ayx)中国官方网站

author:    source: communication company   time: 2024-02-15   font:【 】

“i want to get married”, “full of luck”, “peace and health”... on the message board, in three languages, wishes and blessings for the new year are written down.

in recent days, china energy has organized the "new year, new vision" activity in three of its enterprises in indonesia: south sumatra company, jawa company, and merang company. chinese and indonesian employees from various units enthusiastically participated in the activity, writing down their new year's wishes and blessings for themselves, their families, and their companies.

"wishing for the early commissioning of the dual units at merang company!" zhang yanhe, the first to write down the new year's vision at merang company, which celebrated its first new year overseas, expressed the heartfelt wish of numerous chinese and indonesian employees. the 2x350 megawatt coal-fired power generation project under construction at merak company is the first coal-fired independent power producer (ipp) project won by a state-owned enterprise overseas in response to the national initiative of promoting the "belt and road" construction. china energy has spared no effort to advance the project construction, outlining the "fine brushwork" of the "belt and road" construction.

"safety in production!" li yongqiang, who devotes himself to production management at java company, wrote down his wish for 2024 on the message board. since being dispatched to work at jawa company in january 2020, li yongqiang has been deeply involved in frontline production, leading efforts to overcome multiple challenges on site. he has organized the establishment of a "negative issues list" control mechanism and explored a combined equipment management model that integrates equipment operating parameter inspections, status assessments, fault analyses, and life cycle management. this has greatly improved the safety level of equipment and demonstrated the responsibility of china energy employees on the "belt and road".
