
the world's largest-爱游戏(ayx)中国官方网站

author:    source: communication company   time: 2024-01-08   font:【 】

on january 3, the china energy's 100-megawatt omatingga wind power project in the seni district of nagqu city of xizang autonomous region successfully reached its full capacity. this stands as the wind power project with the largest single-unit capacity and the largest installed capacity ever completed in the world's extremely high-altitude regions.

the project, which commenced construction in april 2023, consists of 25 wind turbines, each with a single-unit capacity of 4 megawatts. it is located in the city of nagqu in the tibet autonomous region. generally, altitudes between 3,500 meters and 5,500 meters are defined as extremely high altitudes. the altitude of the omatingga wind power site ranges from 4,500 meters to 4,800 meters, with an average altitude of 4,650 meters. the total installed capacity is 100 megawatts, making it the first 100-megawatt wind power project in the xizang autonomous region,

it is reported that the omatingga wind power project can provide approximately 200 million kilowatt-hours of clean electricity annually, meeting the annual electricity needs of 230,000 local residents. it will save about 60,000 tons of standard coal, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 160,000 tons, and play a significant role in improving the local energy structure and ensuring winter heating and power supply security.

in the construction process, we overcame a series of challenges, including high-altitude hypoxia, extremely harsh weather conditions, and long-distance transportation. we resolved issues such as concrete pouring in cold areas and the installation of wind turbines, accumulating rich experience in engineering construction management and construction technology. the completion of the project has a demonstrative significance for promoting the research and application of wind turbines in extremely high-altitude areas and the large-scale development of wind power projects.
