
china energy honored with the first "national engineering award"-爱游戏(ayx)中国官方网站

author:    source: communication company   time: 2024-01-22   font:【 】

on the morning of january 19th, the inaugural "national engineering award" commendation ceremony, convened for the first time by the state council, was held in the great hall of the people. a total of 81 individuals were awarded the title of "national outstanding engineer," and 50 teams were honored with the title of "national outstanding engineering team." among them, the team responsible for the innovative development and industrialization of the 4 million tons/year coal indirect liquefaction technology at the ningxia coal industry company of china energy was awarded the title of "national outstanding engineering team."

the awarded team, consisting of 13 members, primarily focused on the 4 million tons/year coal indirect liquefaction project. the team actively implemented the new national strategy for energy security, aiming to be at the forefront of the energy revolution. their main research direction centered on the clean and efficient utilization of coal. they successfully overcame a series of critical core technological challenges in coal indirect liquefaction, including fundamental theories, large-scale coal gasification, fischer-tropsch synthesis, significant equipment, and special material manufacturing, as well as engineering amplification and system integration technologies. these achievements have resulted in a replicable and scalable coal indirect liquefaction technology.

ningxia coal industry company of china energy has been actively implementing the national strategic tasks of coal-to-oil and coal chemical industry, accelerating the transformation of technical reserves and talent reserves into project reserves and production capacity reserves. they are advancing the creation of a national-level intelligent manufacturing demonstration factory for coal-to-oil. the team for the innovative development and industrialization of the 4 million tons/year coal indirect liquefaction technology insists on making "ensuring the safe, stable, and clean operation of the project" its top political task and has been pushing for breakthroughs in key core technologies. they collaborated with more than 20 domestic institutions through innovative research and collaborative tackling of key issues, undertaking 37 major tasks for the domestication of fischer-tropsch synthesis catalysts, large-scale slurry bed reactors, large-scale dry coal powder gasification technology, 100,000 standard cubic meters per hour large-scale air separation technology, large-scale compressor units, and other critical equipment and materials. collaborating with over 60 top engineering companies domestically, supervisory units, more than 800 suppliers, and tens of thousands of participants, they completed the super project in 39 months, which was considered to take 60 months to complete globally. this project, to date, represents the largest one-time investment in the global coal chemical industry, forming a replicable and scalable coal indirect liquefaction technology.

since the 4 million tons/year coal indirect liquefaction project went into production, the team has vigorously implemented the quality improvement project, forming a cluster of "five categories and 21 types" of products. the coal consumption and water consumption per ton of products are better than the national advanced values, and some key indicators have reached international advanced levels. it has become an important support for the transition from technological demonstration to production capacity reserve in coal indirect liquefaction and enhancing the national energy self-sufficiency capability.
